Click below to install:
Client JAR file
Server JAR file

Installation Instructions
Download the version of the .jar file that you want to play for SleuthGame from the table above. Save the file to a file directory of your choosing.

Run the .jar (SleuthGame_client_X.X - replace the X.X with the version you downloaded) file from the directory that you saved the file by double clicking on the JAR.
Windows may ask if you are sure if you what to run the file, if it does ignore the message and run it.

Mac OS X
Run the .jar (SleuthGame_client_X.X - replace the X.X with the version you downloaded) file from the directory that you saved the file by right clicking on the JAR and select "Open Anyways"

Run the .jar (SleuthGame_client_X.X - replace the X.X with the version you downloaded) file from the directory that you saved the file by double clicking on the JAR.
Note: If the .jar file does not run in Linux you have to change the permission of the .jar file.
To change the permission open a terminal.
Navigate to the directory you saved the Jar file in.
Run the command: chmod +x name of Jar file

Click here to see the Javadocs with full source files